DMACC Fire Science Program


​​​The mission of the DMACC Fire Science (FS) program is to help students develop state of the art skills and knowledge for professional fire protection.

Success requires a team effort. Fire Science faculty and staff strive to meet the needs of all FS students, and students are expected to meet their academic and citizenship obligations.

This program is designed to prepare individuals who have little or no experience with the firefighting profession for entry-level positions in the fire service industry. This program is also designed to allow experienced firefighters to receive awarded credits for knowledge gained through training and certifications through the Alternative Credit process, after which their learning can be expanded by successfully completing additional courses to complete the degree.

Entry ​Level AAS Degree

This track is designed for students who want to begin training for a career in the fire service industry. Practical technical instruction is designed to meet fire and life safety needs; responsibilities and obligation of fire protection in engineering, building design, plant protection; fire investigation; and all other fields where a hazard may be involved.

The ultimate goal is to assist the student to develop the appropriate skills and knowledge for professional fire protection. In addition to the Loading...Fire Science AAS degree.

The DMACC Fire Science program also offers a one-year Loading...Fire Protection Technology certificate option.   

Graduates of the program have been employed as industrial fire protection specialists, safety technicians, fire insurance inspectors, forest fire fighters, inspection bureau representatives, state fire inspectors and municipal fire department employees, many of whom have earned their degree while employed in their area of specialty.